Pass Christian - 100 West Scenic
1775 Widow Asmard owned the entire Pass Christian peninsula until her death in 1799
1805 Charles "Charlot", freed Negro slave, deeded all of the midtown PC lands
1809 Bartholomew Pellerin took possession of the PC Peninsula
1813 Edward Livingston acquired the PC Peninsula
1820s The Hierns were involved for almost a Century
1831 Lighthouses at Cat Island and Pass Christian
1831 John Shipman -- Pass Christian Hotel
1834 John Hewlitt
1836 Louisa Livingston sold the remaining large Peninsula lands
1837 Henderson, Hughes, and Shipman acquired and divided the peninsula
1838 Hughs, White, Calvert active in lot sales through the pre-Civil War period
1839 John and Louisa Henderson and sons were most active in promoting PC area
Underlined below are early owners of lot addresses shown
100 West Scenic Drive (Mid 1800s to late)